How to use webmail from within cPanel

cPanel 11.32 x3 end-user series

9. How to use webmail from within cPanel

This demo assumes you've already logged in to cPanel

Now let's learn how to use webmail to access our email, from within cPanel

Note that you can also access your webmail directly by going to if you are unable to log in to cPanel

1) Click the Email Accounts icon

To access your webmail for the main account, you would use this link, but we're not going to do that

2) Instead, click More

3) Then click Access Webmail

4) Type the password for this email address NOT your cPanel password

5) Now click Log In

6) Click the webmail application available to you... in this case we'll select Horde

This is the Horde webmail main screen, where we can check our inbox...

... and compose a New Message

We're not going to get into the specifics of using the Horde webmail application... but suffice it to say that this is how you access, and manage your emails from within cPanel

7) When finished with web mail, click Logout

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to access your webmail from within cPanel