Editing your website information in RVSiteBuilder 5
RVSiteBuilder 5 series
2. Editing your website information in RVSiteBuilder 5
This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to RVSiteBuilder.
Now let's learn how to edit our website information.
1) Click edit website.
2) Please click on step2.
3) Click company name.
In this section you will be able to edit almost all information on the website, but let's change a few of them.
4) After you're done click save.
You can also edit elements by simply clicking on them. Then click the pen icon.
5) Let's edit the slogan by clicking on it.
6) After you're done click save.
7) Click on site properties to see meta info and CSS options.
Anytime you make a change to your website, you have to publish it for the effects to take effect... click publish.
8) Make any changes and click publish.
This is the end of the tutorial. Now you know how to edit your website information in RVSiteBuilder. Remember that you have to publish any changes you make for them to take effect.