Creating form pages in RVSiteBuilder 5
RVSiteBuilder 5 series
11. Creating form pages in RVSiteBuilder 5
This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to RVSiteBuilder.
Now let's learn how to create a form page.
1) Click step3.
2) In RVSiteBuilder 5, to insert a form in its own page, click add page / component.
3) Click add component.
4) Click online form.
A new page with the form should be created at the end of the page list. Let's scroll to the bottom.
Here it is! Let's edit it further and fill our own fields and info.
5) Click this edit icon.
Scoll down a little and find form icon on the page.
6) Right click on this icon to edit the form.
7) Click edit form.
You can see a preview on the left side where you can drag and drop fields to.
On the right side, you will see various form field options. The first section, named toolbox, contains general form fields.
The form editor in RVSiteBuilder 5 is totally different than RVSiteBuilder 4.
The second section, power tools, contains advanced fields like CAPTCHA, rating, password box etc..
The third section, payment tools, contains the payment processor Paypal which you can use to transact with your users.
The fourth section, properties, will show info about the field you select.
8) Let's add some more fields. Click toolbox.
9) Drag and drop desired fields in the form.
10) Now let's add a field from power tools.
11) Here is an advanced field captcha we just entered. Let's save the form.
This warning tells us that we haven't set any email address to where the form submissions will be delivered. Let's setup one.
12) Click email setup.
13) After you're done, click save.
Let's go back to the page.
14) Click this button to save the page.
Anytime you make a change to your website, you have to publish it for the effects to take effect. Let's publish these changes.
15) Click publish.
16) Click on form to check the form page we just created.
This is the end of the tutorial. Now you know how to create form pages in RVSiteBuilder 5.