Creating a photo gallery in RVSiteBuilder 5

RVSiteBuilder 5 series

13. Creating a photo gallery in RVSiteBuilder 5

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to RVSiteBuilder.

Now let's learn how to create a photo gallery.

1) Click step3.

2) In RVSiteBuilder 5, to create a photo gallery, click add page / component.

3) Click add component.

4) Click photo gallery.

5) Click this icon to manage the photo gallery we just added.

This is an advanced version of the photo gallery. You will see various settings for the photo gallery.

Please note that you will need admin access to create a photo gallery, and while publishing your photo gallery, you will be asked to enter your admin/cPanel login info.

6) The first step to create a photo gallery is to create an album. Click the album tab to proceed.

7) Enter album name.

8) Click create.

9) Great! Now let's start adding our photos. Click add photo.

Upload photos one by one.

You will find a couple of options to upload your photos.

Compress your photos and upload the compressed file.

You can also upload a compressed file to a special ftp folder on your server.

10) Let's upload a couple of files manually for this demonstration. Click here.

Let's check the other tabs.

Here you can manage your photos' information, re-generate thumbs, check the gallery's path, etc.

11) Let's add some information for the images.

Let's check other tabs.

Here you can select the particular album of which photos you want to arrange.

12) Select album.

13) After you're done arranging your photos, please click save reaarange.

14) Let's check the last tab, header and footer.

Here you can add a new header and footer design specifically for the photo gallery.

15) Ok let's publish this photo gallery now.

16) As stated earlier, when you publish the photo gallery, you need to enter your cPanel login again here.

Let's check out the photo gallery page.

Here is our photo gallery!

This is the end of the tutorial. Now you know how to create  a photo gallery in RVSiteBuilder 5.